Capital Development Authority (CDA) started aggressive drive against violators of CDA approved buildings by laws. For that purpose, CDA formed a scrutinizing committee. Concerned members from the team held massive crackdown in this regard.

In the initial 2 days of the drive, Building Control Directorate I & II found more than 64 commercial building violating announced parameters. As a result, all of such building sealed as per CDA’s order. The details of these building location are shared below:

  • 6 under-construction buildings in Bani Gala-Zone IV
  • 12 buildings in Sector H-13
  • 16 buildings in zone V

Meanwhile, several others catered in D-7, E-16, & B-17 sectors. All of these found violating Commercial building by laws & zoning regulation. Moreover, it is especially targeting those ventures who removed their sealed premises without any official permission from concerned authorities.

CDA aims to stop the illegal constructions within the Islamabad Capital Territory and its periphery.



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