Capital Development Authority (CDA) decided to make a scrutinizing committee. This committee will ensure the implementation of all the building plans within several housing societies. Scrutinizing committee is particularly examine housing societies lie in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).

Members of CDA Scrutinizing Committee

This scrutinizing committee includes:

  • Master Plan Director
  • Planning & Evaluation Director
  • Master Plan Deputy Director
  • Cooperative Housing Department Representative

First one will act as a head of the committee while remaining will serve as members. all the members have the authority to inspect residential schemes in Islamabad. Moreover, they are also authorized to investigate the Building Layout Plans approved by CDA. The other key responsibilities include:

  • To examine provision of basic facilities & amenities
  • Compare the implementation of the plans on ground
  • Inspecting different commercial buildings
  • To check violations in buildings by-laws
  • To check violations of zoning regulations

It is a common trend in Real Estate that amenities plots are converted in to either residential or commercial after some time. Thus, it will ensure that amenities plots are not used for personal gains. In addition, sewerage treatments plants functional or not within residential societies.

Also, CDA said that it has already sealed 64 commercial buildings.

Read Also: CDA Passed New Bylaws for Commercial Skyscrapers





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