
LSC (Lahore Smart City) , Ground Breaking Ceremony

Lahore Smart City (LSC) has launched a few times ago. There are not many societies of the caliber same as Lahore Smart City. The developers of this great project started the groundbreaking ceremony. Moreover, many heavy machines were there which

Lahore Smart City

Lahore Smart City is a splendid real estate project. It is a significant project which will bring a revolution in the world of real estate. This mega project is starting from 20,000 Kanals and it will be increased with time.

Lahore Smart City got NOC from LDA

Lahore Smart City NOC issued NOC of Lahore Smart City (LSC) has been issued by Lahore Development Authority (LDA). It means the land of this society is verified by LDA. Moreover, NOC approval will help LSC to gain access to

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